RMBA Stallion Auction


Click on the horse’s name to view his Profile page. Be sure to read all of the breeding info and call the stallion owner if you have any questions about their program. There are attached breeding contracts for you to view as well. Once you place a bid on a stallion you are in a binding contract with the RMBA, not the stallion owner, for the breeding fee of that stallion. There will be no refunds from the RMBA or the Stallion Owner for the winning bid amount unless something happens beyond the stallion owners or RMBA’s control.

***Please make sure to read the Breeding Contract so that there are no misunderstandings when it comes to breeding your mare and paying what fees are owed to the stallion owner.***

The bids are e-mailed to Kristy Sheehan, at which point she (I) update the website manually, so you will not see your bid instantaneously.  Please feel free to call her if you have any questions, or want to make sure we received your bid.

You may send payment (cash, check or money order) directly to Jan Finn/RMBA  2684 Hwy 284; Townsend, MT 59644.

Please contact Kristy Sheehan at (406) 396-2415 or email info@montanarmba.org if you have any questions or for more information on bidding on the stallion of your choice. All proceeds go towards helping RMBA continue putting on a shows and clinics, plus supporting and promoting our members’ breeding and training programs!