Jess Woodring


(406) 580-6707

Kristy Sheehan

Second Vice President/Webmaster

(406) 396-2415

I am the owner/operator of Sheehan Quarter Horses in Plains, Montana. I am a life-long horse person. I currently maintain a small, well-bred set of broodmares. I actively show in the RMBA Ranch Horse series on multiple horses.

Jan Finn

Secretary/Newsletter Editor

(406) 266-4992

Raised on a ranch outside of Willow Creek, I live on a small ranch outside of Townsend, Montana, today. We have a commercial black Angus herd and have, for years, raised performance Paint and Quarter Horses focusing primarily on reined cow horses.

Channie Heimer

Director at Large

(406) 223-2144

I was born in Brawley, California. I have been on horses all her life. Me and my husband, Joe, raise a few colts a year that we sell.  I am actively showing in the RMBA Ranch Horse Series, I am also a volunteer for the Park County 4-H and also help with the Livingston Roundup rodeo carrying flags.